
Showing posts from May, 2022


  WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER To love  as  Jesus Christ means to offer yourself in service, at the service of your brothers and sisters, as he did in washing the feet of the disciples. It also means going outside of ourselves, detaching ourselves from our own human certainties, from earthly comforts, in order to open ourselves up to others, especially those in greater need. To love like Christ means saying ‘no’ to other ‘loves’ that the world offers us: love of money — those who love money do not love as Jesus loves —, love of success, of vanity, of power… Dear brothers and sisters, where does this abiding in the Lord’s love lead? Where does it lead us? Jesus told us: “That my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full”.  The joy of knowing we are loved by God despite our infidelities enables us to face the trials of life confidently, makes us live through crises so as to emerge from them better. (Regina Caeli, 9 May 2021)

The Study of Love

  The Study of Love By Br. Micah Kim, O.P. on May 6, 2022 Questions. Questions. Questions. It’s exam season, and it seems that we’re surrounded by notes, flashcards, and, above all, questions. What is the powerhouse of the cell? When was the Declaration of Independence signed? What is the circumference of the sun? Looking for the answers to these questions can seem so boring, so frustrating, and perhaps even so pointless. This weariness that we feel when it comes to studying for exams reveals in us a misplaced appreciation for study. Asking yet  another  question can help us identify the root of the issue. The question is, “Why exactly are we studying?” Usual answers include: “To do well in school,” “To get a good job,” “To be a well-rounded person.” All these answers are good and should be  part  of the reason we study. But to place any of these as the end-all and be-all of our study would be a tragic mi...