
Showing posts from August, 2023

The four grades of love A family gathered together in prayer Bernard was born in 1090 at Fontaine, in France, of a good family. When he was 22, after having studied grammar and rhetoric, he entered the monastery founded by Robert of Molesme at Citeaux (in Latin, Cistercium -- the order centred around the monastery were thus known as Cistercians). Twelve companions joined him, including four brothers, an uncle, and a cousin. Following his example, many of his relatives undertook to enter religious life. Jesus and Mary For Bernard, the monastic life should involve work, contemplation, and prayer; and revolve around two fixed points: Jesus and Mary. For the Cistercian abbot, Christ is all: “When you discuss or speak, nothing has any flavour for me, if I have not heard you resound the Name of Jesus (Sermons on the Song of Songs, XV). And Mary, St Bernard writes, leads us to Jesus: “In dangers, In dangers, in doubts,...

Lisbon WYD (Day 3): How Is My Love? Concrete or Abstract? Pope Francis’ Simple but Profound Meditation in Lisbon - ZENIT - English

Lisbon WYD (Day 3): How Is My Love? Concrete or Abstract? Pope Francis’ Simple but Profound Meditation in Lisbon - ZENIT - English : The Holy Father’s words during the meeting with Representatives of several Care and Charity Centers.