
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Blessing of Matrimony

  Let’s look at the loftiest teachings of Casti Connubii as most worthy of careful analysis. Slowly and gradually, the value of this “investment” will surely become attractive to others and be given a solid “buy” rating. First and foremost, Pius XI teaches that matrimony was not instituted or restored by man but by God; not by man were the laws made to strengthen and confirm and elevate it but by God, the Author of nature, and by Christ Our Lord by Whom nature was redeemed, and hence these laws cannot be subject to any human decrees or to any contrary pact even of the spouses themselves. (CC 5) Christian parents must understand that they are destined not only to propagate and preserve the human race on earth, indeed not only to educate any kind of worshippers of the true God, but children who are to become members of the Church of Christ, to raise up fellow-citizens of the Saints, and members of God’s household, that the worshippers of God and Our Savior may daily increase. (CC 13)...