Religion Without Morality? Compare that to the Christian gospel’s proclamation that “God is Love” (1 John 4:8).
Religion Without Morality? A commonplace criticism of religion in general and Catholicism in particular is its insistence on morality. No few modern people object to the connection between religion and morality, which they consider “judgmental,” perhaps even “hypocritical.” Let’s consider that criticism more closely. Yes, it’s true that Christianity in general as well as Judaism links religion and morality. We should be aware, however, what an enormous step forward that was in the understanding of what religion is and the purification of the concept of religion. There are people who think all religion is mythology. Let’s pull that thread a little and compare Christianity with, say, Greek mythology. One way they obviously differ is that Christianity is monotheistic, whereas Greek mythology was polytheistic. But there’s an even deeper difference: the God of Jesus Christ is connected to morality, whereas ...