WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER-WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER-following the examples of the world but those of God-love-freedom-12-16-22

 WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER-WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER-following the examples of the world but those of God-love-freedom-12-16-22

Salvation is a gift of love and as such, it is offered to human freedom. Always, when we speak ofc: love without freedom is not love; it may be interest, it may be fear, many things, but love is always free, and being free it calls for a freely given response: it calls for our conversion. Thus, it means changing mentality — this is conversion, changing mentality — and changing life: no longer following the examples of the world but those of God, who is Jesus; following Jesus. For this reason every moment, every instant of our existence is precious time to love God and to love our neighbour, and thereby enter into eternal life. (Angelus, 24 January 2021)


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