WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER- the mystery of God’s love

 WORDS OF THE HOLY FATHER- the mystery of God’s love-03-20-24

The truest freedom, from slavery of sin, flows from the Cross of Christ. We are freed from the slavery of sin by the Cross of Christ.  God placed the source of the liberation of the human person precisely there where Jesus allowed himself to be nailed, making himself a slave. This never ceases to amaze us: that the place where we are stripped of every freedom, that is, death, might become the source of freedom. But this is the mystery of God’s love! It is not easily understood, but rather  lived (…) Jesus achieves complete freedom by giving himself up to death; He knows that only in this way could he obtain life for everyone. (…) Freedom makes one free to the extent to which it transforms a person’s life and directs it toward the good. In order to be truly free, we not only need to know ourselves on the psychological level, but above all to practice truth in ourselves on a more profound level — and there, in our heart, open ourselves to the grace of Christ. (General audience, 6 October 2021)

Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent    https://www.vaticannews.va/en/word-of-the-day.html


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